[轉吧轉吧 Sugar Byte]
Sugar-Byte 最新的 Turnado 效果器保證令你目瞪口呆:停止迷戀 KORG KAOSS 或 PIONEER MIXER 等硬體效果器吧…..這小玩意兒的威力強大且千變萬化,最特別的是您越瘋狂,它越好玩。
請參考您家中的電視遙控器: Turnado 的操作邏輯絕不比它難。
Turnado 允許多組效果器同時指定給一粒按鈕,因此你無需手忙腳亂也可以令音箱及台下尖叫(自己則奸笑)。
破壞、惡搞、強姦 ; 創新、混搭、再造,只要能熟練地應用,包您演出時人機一體,現場舞客屁眼一緊,跳的乓砰叫喔~
建議搭配 MIDI 硬體控制器,千變萬化盡現於彈指之間。 您的愛呸愛縫也可以操作呦。
試試 “矩陣” 功能吧 !!
但所謂 Digital DJing ,天生就是以快打慢,不能以複雜為苦,功夫無高低修行在個人,詠春本是女人拳法,請大家共勉之。
So simple is Turnado: Drag one of the 24 effects to one of the 8 effect slots. Turn the big Effect-Knob and the effect powers up. While turning the knob further, massive modulations take place, parameters change and your sound comes to new life.
Each effect slot has an edit button. This button opens the effect Editpage. Here the Effect-Knob becomes assigned to effect and modulator parameters. The modulators are assigned here as well. Here you make your effects rock exactly as you want it, with new sounds for each position of the Effect-Knob.
The Dictator controls all 8 Effect-Knobs with just one fader. Record or draw keyframes and the ride these automations with the Dictator fader. Effect disaster guaranteed!
The incredibly flexible modulation system provides two LFO/Stepsequencers and one Envelope Follower per effect. These can be assigned to any effect parameter. The modulator parameters can be controlled with the Effect-Knob for perfect wobble filters oder changing loop sizes. Use the modulators to spice up your sounds with a little bit of mayhem!
The modulation data coming from the Effect-Knob can be sloped in many available curves. Here you can decide for each parameter, how it should react to the Effect-Knob.
Each effect includes a dry/wet control which provides many different mixing modes. Using this control you get the perfect effect mix for all situations. Modulate this control with Stepsequencer or Envelope Follwer for insane sounds!
Turnado Video
Turnado Main Page Tutorial
Turnado Edit Page Tutorial
Turnado Dictator Tutorial